8 Useful Healthy tips and checklist for a happy life

Ishika Agarwal
6 min readJun 16, 2021


Do you know what Healthy living actually is?

A balanced diet? Yes kind of

But if you ask me I think it’s more than that

Healthy living is a combination of small positive changes which leads to “A Happy life”.

If you can invest a lot of time in your phone, then now it’s time to reverse your habits, as giving time to junk that is not at all productive, but nurturing yourself is an investment, that you can do with long-term healthy living.

A healthy lifestyle is crucial to lead a healthy living.

So here I’m with some useful checklist, that you can count on in your healthy lifestyle and you can be closer to healthy living.

Note to remember: Start working with small things, it’s not necessary that you do it all on one go and end up being indolent again but it’s important to start now.

Let’s talk about them.

#1. Hydrate yourself throughout the day:

Yes, I know you have heard this term many times, but finding it hard to follow, as you always try but then forget, so here is a trick that you can do.

NOTE: Determine your target, how many liters you will drink in a day, then choose the bottle of that measure that is appropriate to your goal, fill that bottle in the morning itself.

You can also set reminders on your phone, to make remember that now it’s time to drink water.

Now you are good to go finish that much amount of water by the end of the day. You can keep the bottle wherever you ideally spent your day the most.

#2. Include nuts and seeds in your diet:

Nuts like almonds, pistachios, cashews, and seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia are good ways to take protein and are high in fiber.

They are healthy snack alternatives, If you feel like munching something at the night just grab some and have them, it’s better to have something good than munching your regular unhealthy food. But don’t over have them as an excess of anything is also harmful.

A healthy daily nuts requirement is 30 grams. Instead of taking the same type of nuts, you can take a handful of various nuts which gives various health benefits in terms of nutrients.

5–6 almonds, 4–5 raisins, 4–5 pistachios, 4–5 cashew, 1–2 walnuts.

You can add them to your sweet dishes, smoothies, pudding, cookies and by any means, there are many recipes out there through which you can have them.

#3. Avoid unhealthy foods (Junk food):

If you are someone, who eats junk foods on regular basis, then wait, and think this way, that is why you are facing obesity, skin problems, and becoming lazy.

Whatever is made at your home just node your head in yes every time and eat that, this is the only simple way to avoid outside food. It doesn’t sound simple, right?

So, sometimes try to prepare your meal yourself and explore some healthy recipes and yet tasty, which not only you will love but also keep you distracted from doing something wasteful.

#4. Do your favorite activity:

What is your favourite activity? Ask yourself and introspect your mind.

Then make a habit to include them, the thing you love to do, as a part of your beautiful day benefits health.

This will not only make a routine but will also help you, keep yourself occupied at a thing which is fruitful.

Change your routine you can also write about something good about yourself, this will make you remember the things you are grateful for.

#5. Look for reasons:

Yes, you heard me right look for reasons to make yourself work.

Like, I’m a lazy bee so to indulge myself and overcome this, I do my every work on my own this not only helped to make my work accomplished on time but also to have a beautiful day which is productive.

It can be any activity like If you love gardening then water your plants daily which will also get you some fresh air or maybe it can be playing with your pet.

#6. Always take stairs:

Include this in you do to checklist it will increase muscle strength and also help with your weight loss.

Whenever you get the chance just take that as a challenge and climb every day, start today to burn calories.

You can take the help of a steps count tracker you don’t need to buy expensive watches for this now, you can simply look for apps and have one tracker in your phone, this will boost you to more.

#7. Treat yourself with goodies:

Are you someone who procrastinates everything when it comes to starting any physical activity like exercising, running, gymming anything which keeps you fit.

So from now onwards start treating yourself with small things which will keep you motivated throughout the week. Goodies don’t only include food, now you may be thinking then what are the alternatives to these then?

You can take a day off for no reason without any work and can do something inactive thing like taking good sleep, talk to your old friends and share with them about the changes you have brought in your life, binge watch a series.

#8. Set your goal partner:

This is my own personal way of staying energetic, set your goals with your friend, family member whoever you wish, who also wanted to indulge themselves in some physical activity.

This will keep you both motivated and also will lead you to work more. You can take somedays challenges this will make you feel a sense of relief after you finish them.

If you feel lazy, maybe another one can boost you to stay on track and this will create a habit, sooner or later, then you will start doing things on your own.

Talk and share things about your goals and celebrate your accomplishments together.

Do let me know, if you find this article helpful in the comment section below, I would also love to know your ways to keep yourself active.

If you loved my tips then do visit my blog healthierspot.com to get more insightful tips.

